Contact(020 7411 9824)

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Deborah Laniado

Deborah Laniado

Deborah Laniado

Specialist in colonic irrigation & digestive health disorders.

College of Naturopathic Medicine, ARCH, Dip. Herb

College of Naturopathic Medicine

North London Colonics
Side Entrance
192 Goldhurst Terrace
West Hampstead

Call free (24hrs): 020 7411 9824

If you've already booked an appointment, please check out these 7 tips for how to prepare for a comfortable colonic.

Call 020 7411 9824 now for free consultation!

Convenient location

North London Colonics
192 Goldhurst Terrace
West Hampstead


First 90 minute treatment is £175.

Repeat treatments are £150 (for 1hr).

See prices for more deals.

Clinic hours

Monday to Friday: 8am - 8pm
Saturday: 9am - 6pm

Experienced therapists

Deborah Laniado (CNM, ARCH, Dip. Herb) is an experienced colonic hydrotherapist with 1000s of satisfied clients.

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Many thanks, Debbie

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