Wracked by painful constipation—but don't want to fill yourself up with harmful laxatives?

Constipation can feel awful, especially if you're suffering from related symptoms like heartburn, bleeding haemorrhoids, sour burps and pain that feels like you're passing small boulders through your gut!

So how did things get so bad? You may be interested to know that the common causes of constipation include:

  • Medication (particularly antacids)
  • Lack of fibre in the diet
  • Not enough fluids
  • Pregnancy
  • Colon or rectal cancer
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Diabetes
  • Depression

Did you know that you can ease your constipation quickly without pills or medication: using natural methods instead?

Free report: "How to Really Cure Constipation" by Deborah Laniado (23 pages)

No need to sign up. Just click on the image below to download your free 23 page special report: "How to Really Cure Constipation".

It contains all these natural cures and information on what constipation is, what causes constipation, what is supposed to happen in your body and an understanding of the disease symptom tree.

How to Really Cure Constipation

All natural guarantee: no pills or harmful techniques.

Inside you'll discover:

  • 10 ways to check for constipation.
  • 8 types of medicine that can cause constipation.
  • Why All-Bran cereal actually makes things worse.
  • Why pasta is the worst thing you can eat.
  • 7 things you can do right now to cure your constipation naturally.

Go ahead and put in your details above and I'll send your free report immediately.

We'll go into detail about how to cure your constipation with natural methods—no pills or harmful techniques—as well as any related symptoms you may be suffering.

Follow my advice for regular and easy bowel movements—no more straining! You'll also feel renewed energy, fresher breath and you may even lose weight!

Go ahead and sign up now. I'll send you the report immediately.

Want a taster first?

If you'd like a taster of what you'll find inside the "How to Cure Constipation" report, please click on one of the following links:

Call Deborah on 020 7411 9824 for a free phone consultation, check out our prices, or:

Click here to ask Deborah a question >>

If you've already booked an appointment, please check out these 7 tips for how to prepare for a comfortable colonic.


Call 020 7411 9824 now for free consultation!

Convenient location

North London Colonics
192 Goldhurst Terrace
West Hampstead


First 90 minute treatment is £175.

Repeat treatments are £150 (for 1hr).

See prices for more deals.

Clinic hours

Monday to Friday: 8am - 8pm
Saturday: 9am - 6pm

Experienced therapists

Deborah Laniado (CNM, ARCH, Dip. Herb) is an experienced colonic hydrotherapist with 1000s of satisfied clients.

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